There was a First Responders Softball Tournament in Quitman yesterday with fundraising for domestic violence awareness in Wood County and I saw that as a great opportunity to socialize the dogs in the same time supporting Team EMS. It was also now two weeks since Twix was in a car and I wanted to see if there was any difference in his mindset about cars and as well if any progress in car sickness. But I didn’t want to take the chance of going backwards so he got his medication an hour before we left and he didn’t get any breakfast. He didn’t really want to go in the car but since BamBam was there he agreed of getting lifted in. He is still drooling a lot but didn’t vomit. He is probably still nauseous though. Never had a dog struggling that much with carsickness but we will continue work on it.

Fire, Police and EMS had teams there and it was a lot of good spirit. Some vendors and different things to look at. It was a great event! And perfect place for the dogs. Once they were out of the car both of the dogs took their normal personalities… Twix the social butterfly that thinks everyone is there to see him and BamBam is scared as shit and hopes that no one will kidnap him. He has the need to feel me all the time!

But I was really proud of him. He accepts that people come and talk to him, even if he is shaking and you can see how uncomfortable he is he deals with it in a calm manner. And it helps that Twix is trying to steal the attention. Neither of them was bothered about kids, Twix thought that was just something awesome, they are in his height!

Twix spoke to the flight crew and thankfully the doors on the helicopter was closed or he would probably have tried out the pilot chair without hesitation! This dog ain’t scared of anything!

The game… well… I don’t think it went that well for Team EMS. I was only there for two hours and it was far from done when I left but I saw on Facebook that Mineola Fire won! Congratulations guys! I hope that they raised a lot of money for the cause (Domestic Violence Awareness). I was mad at myself for not bringing cash. Didn’t even think about it before I left and I really wanted a tournament t-shirt.

All three of us was tired when we got home. It wasn’t really cold out there but the fall has definitely arrived. For once I was well dressed so I wasn’t freezing. For those of you who know me, you know that this time of the year is a struggle for me because my body doesn’t do falling temperatures very well… Yes I had to put on the heat in my house after the coldfront on Friday for example…
Anyway, it was time for a nap so we went to lay down… Twix, as the very comfortable and stubborn dog he is decided that he was going to sleep on my belly…

But who can resist a cute face like this really? What a blessing it is to have these two boys in my life! Love them to pieces!

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