Fabulous Friday

Yesterday turned out to be one of the best days in a very long time! First the wet walk with the dogs (see previous post). Yes I do enjoy walking in rain. Then I got laundry done and even folded and put away, the dishes done and I had time to relax before it was time to head to Terrell. I was attending Lone Star Friesian Horse Club’s ribboncutting with Terrell Chamber of Commerce. I just couldn’t miss this event, it was involving horses, right!

I was a little early and pulled up at the same time the horse trailer came. They unloaded the horses and tied them up. I walked over to them to say hi and know more about these two beautiful boys, Warner and Zeus they had with them. You know me, I couldn’t resist it!

I could tell that the weather had not been in their favor. It’s like an equestrians nightmare to have rain on any kind of show day… Mark, the owner started to untangle one of the horses tail and I saw that he didn’t have any conditioner in it… That will first of all take time and secondly not be good. But I knew that I had ShowSheen in my car so I asked if he wanted to borrow some to make it easier.

Yes, I have so many weird things in my car and you never know when you will have use for it…

It was now 15 minutes before the ribbon cutting should start and he had not even come half way with the first horse so I asked if I could help with the other horse, Zeus. He thankfully accepted the offer and to work I went. Realizing how much I miss this with horses, showing and getting mud under my nails.
Mark and his Wife had to go in to the chamber for a couple of minutes and asked if I could watch the horses for him! Absolutely! No problem. I continued to make them ready for the event. You can never polish enough and there was some mud here and there… maybe not visible for the untrained eye but for me it was shining straight in my face. But I had the time of my life! I got to smell and pet horses and they let me help them! I didn’t know them! What an honor!


Time for the ribbon cutting and Mark suddenly asked me if I could take one of the horses, Zeus. Absolutely no problem! I was just amazed! They let a total stranger help with their horses! Wow… well how many weirdos walk up and start to talk and turns out to have mane and tail conditioner in their car? That might be a sign of a horse person… And off we went!

The horses did awesome. Warner was a little bit on his tippy toes but Zeus was as cool as he could be! They sure didn’t mind the attention they got, bet they are used to it being so beautiful! And I was as happy as could be, like a little kid on Christmas… never did I know what use I could get of a bottle of horse conditioner!

Thank you Mark & Beverly for letting me help you with your beautiful boys yesterday! It was truly an honor!

Went home to just take a shower and let the dogs out and then headed to Tyler to pick up a friend. I just needed to get out of the door and do something since I am off all weekend so we were going to eat. At the time I picked her up a coworker wrote on my facebook that they were in Gun Barrel at a restaurant and was going fishing afterwards so we headed there! We had such a fun time. We didn’t get any fish while we were there, a snake did instead. Tried to upload a video of it but couldn’t… what a thief! But it didn’t matter, we had a blast anyway an laughed so much! Just an awesome finish of a great Friday!

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