Concur The Rain

We have a saying in Swedish: There ain’t no bad weather, only bad clothing. It doesn’t sound so good in English but in it rhimes in Swedish. Anyway, I had to think about that this morning when I got dressed and headed out with the dogs on their walk. I try to take them on a walk every morning of my days off and today was no exception. The rain that was drizzling and the thunderstorm approaching was not going to stop us. The dogs were super excited as well, so off we went…

Twix loves to walk in water puddles. It’s like a magnet for him. I don’t know why but a day like today it doesn’t matter because we were soaking wet anyway…

I often get the question why I walk in pouring rain (with or without dogs). Well, first of all, rain doesn’t hurt and a day like today when it is still warm it is actually nice. Secondly, in my line of work it doesn’t matter if it is 110 degrees and sunshine or 70 with pouring rain or simply sleet and snow. We need to be out there anyway and if I can’t walk in that weather on my day off for a couple of minutes, how am I gonna do my job? And in search and rescue… how many operations are going on in perfect 80 degree, sunshine and light breeze? None. So yeah, it is a little uncomfortable to get wet but I’ll change when I get home so no big deal.

Well it was drizzling when we started to walk. I could see that the thunderstorm was approaching but I was hoping we would miss it. We did not miss it.

It was raining hard when we came half way and even the dogs was hurrying to get home. And we made it home before the worst part of the storm with thunder and lightning came. Despite having a good rain jacket on I was soaking wet when we came home!

But I had two happy dogs at least. They had some stimulation and could eat their breakfast and take a nap while the rest of the storm passed by. I could change into dry clothes and enjoy the sound of the storm and to not have to work in it!

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