My Work Week

This week is my short week which means that I am only working two days. But a lot can happen during those days. One of the days was very busy. More than usual. I don’t know why it was that busy, the weather was good so no cause for traffic accidents and it was in the middle of the week. The other day was the total opposite, extremely slow. That is the beauty with this job, you never know what will happen next or who you will meet.

At one call we had to ask Athens Fire Department for assistance to make entrance to a residence. The patient fell and couldn’t get up, the door was not just locked but bolted from the inside so there was no other option than doing it the rough way.

Thankfully the patient was not injured and just needed help up. The door on the other hand now needed some repairs. But we are very grateful to the fire departments when they come out and help us. Sometimes it is things like this, sometimes a lift assist. Regardless, they are always there when we need them!

We drive a lot during our shifts. And sometimes we come upon things that makes us laugh. I got myself a really good laugh the other day. I saw this halloween decoration in a front yard and thought it was so cool!

I would love to have this in my front yard and then some lights at night. So awesome. But then a little gust of wind came and I started laughing hysterically… the horse gave up!

And how the entire rest of the decoration reacted, look at the driver, he almost looks surprised suddenly. I thought this was just too funny! I still want this decoration in my front yard!!!

It’s not always we have the opportunity to take pictures but it can be fun when we do!

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