My Weird Tacos

Something Americans always find very weird with me is what I have on my tacos when I make them at home. I’m not even sure how many Swedes eat their tacos like I do but I got it from a friend when I was living in Vetlanda. She suggested it to me and ever since, this is what I eat.

Either soft or hard shell. For me it doesn’t really matter, I like both… today I took soft shell, it is easier to eat.

In the bottom I have lettuce, tomato, corn and cheese… pretty normal I guess? But then I add banana and avocado. Avocado is not that weird but when people hear banana they run out the door. That is always a conversation starter. But have you tried? Then of course taco spiced meat (beef in this case, sometimes chicken) and sour cream. I personally don’t like taco sauce therefore I don’t have it on there… I just love my tacos like this! And yes, I do have banana and pineapple on my pizzas too, I’ll have a post about that another day. I call these “Swedish Taco” which is not really fair since I don’t think this is Swedish way of eating them, it is just me. Maybe you should try to it… What do you have on your taco that is different?

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