Swedish Stickycake Fika

I have been invited to a Thanksgiving dinner in beginning of November and asked to bring a dessert. First of all… people ask me what I miss from Sweden and pastries and desserts is my answer! I am so sorry but the cakes and bread here is nothing compared to the Scandinavian and European… We Swedes are famous for our “Fika”

So five times a day is a little exaggerating but we have the morning Fika around 9 am (usually coffee and a sandwich) and the afternoon fika around 3pm (usually coffee and something sweet). So as you can imagine, I was quite confused when I moved here that the donut shops closes at noon! I want (and still crave) my sweets at 3pm!

Well, back to the Thanksgiving event… I have decided to make a stickycake (Kladdkaka). It is super easy to make but I haven’t done it for years. And I wanted to experiment a little with it. So I started making one today with coconut flakes. The classic stickycake is just with chocolate flavor but since I had some coconut flakes at home I figured I try…

The stickycake can be compared to a brownie that is not just finished… the inside of the cake is supposed to be sticky and the outside harder. This one turned out okay but not really as I expected it. I am glad I have another month to try things out. It might be that I go with the basic after all, we’ll see. But if you want to try let me know because I can’t eat all this by myself! My station will be excited trying all this because I can’t eat it all!

Stickycake should be served with either heavy whipped cream or icecream. I do whipped cream simply because I can’t have icecream… Next time I’ll try with either strawberries or banana…

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