
I love decorations. It makes me in a good mood and gives me a smile on my face. Thou I am not good at making them. Mom was amazing on creating decorations! She had an idea in her head, could get what she needed in supplies and poff it was reality. I certainly didn’t inherit that gene. I can’t even draw a decent smiley face. But when I was at Walmart last I passed by their Halloween decoration department and I saw these two. Well that was in the level of what I could achieve and within my budget.

I have a beautiful front yard to my house where I actually could do a lot of fun decorations. It doesn’t have to be very much but maybe just something different every month. This will have to be my October decorations and then I’ll have to come up with something for November… something with Thanksgiving I guess. December is a must… Christmas of course… I have this idea of changing decoration once a month or at the time of a holiday or celebration… We will see if I can keep it real as I have it in my head… that is usually where my decoration ideas stays…

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