7 Years Apart

A picture on Facebook popped up yesterday as a memory. I had taken a selfie before heading to work and it was apparently amazing that I wore makeup that day. I worked for Terrell Police Department at the time as an Animal Control Officer. It was clearly a stressful job, I am surprised of how tired I look in the picture. Guess I was as well. Most of the times I worked 10am -7pm and then I was always on stand by as I was the closest of us two working in that department. I loved that job but it was tough, needless to say.

Now, 7 years later… still in uniform, different color… went from tan to white. Different thin line… from blue to white. Different vehicle… went from a regular truck to an ambulance. But still do something I love – helping people. Not a single day goes by when I am not grateful for what I am doing. I have always loved to help and serve. When I was a kid I wanted to be a mounted police officer. Think I would do pretty good in that profession too actually. But I love EMS.

Often get the question when I will go to medic school. One day. I don’t know when but there are some things that needs to fall into place before I take that step and until then I will just try to get as much knowledge as possible.

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