Monthly Meal Prepping

Last time I was cooking any kind of food was August 30th. The only thing I have made since is a couple of sandwiches to bring to work and a sallad. I have not touched a pot or a pan since then. Until yesterday. I started to get tired of the things I had in the freezer because after eating basically the same thing for a month you need something different and I wanted to clean out the freezer a little bit more. So with what I had home I figured I could make a meat and veggie sauce and then have pasta and rice to that…

I had some frozen ground beef that went in there together with a can of stewed tomatoes, a bag of peas and carrots, some onions, corns, bbq sauce and a small can of pineapple (just needed to get rid of it so down it went). It actually turned out really awesome. I was thinking about some taco spices but saved that for later and did the bbq sauce instead. It resulted in 3 meals with rice and 3 with pasta and together with what I still have from the last prepp it should absolutely last me for the entire month of October!

This monthly meal prepping ordeal that I’ve started turned out to be really good for me in many aspects. 1. I don’t have to go grocery shopping all the time which saves me money. 2. It helps me with portion control which has been one of my major problems for a long time since I only eat once a day. 3. It is super easy to just look in the freezer, put something in the microwave and I know it is healthy because I made it myself!

For the entire month of September I have only had one fast food meal. That was when we had a long distance transfer to Dallas, we had Chick-A-File on our way back. During the last two weeks I’ve had not had any sweets or candy either! Kind of proud of myself.

When I was digging in my pantry I found a package of smoothie mix with banana flavor. Read on the package that I needed some milk, ice cubes and bananas. Well I didn’t have any bananas but I had frozen berries and I figured what would the difference be? Let’s try and see… so I found the blender and here we are…

This was awesome!!!! And I got so full! Since I have reduced my meals this will for the future be an entire meal for me! I think one of these envelopes was around $2, and that is not bad for an entire meal! Don’t need to have one every day but just to change it up or when I am just a little bit hungry but don’t want an entire meal! Ice and milk is something I always have home and a frozen package of berries can easily be stored. A new habit for sure…

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