I am today doing my last 24 hour shift on truck 922 at the Mineola Station. Nope, I am not sad at all. I am super duper excited. I am not leaving UT Health EMS, I am just moving to a 12 hour truck out of Athens, TX instead.

When mom was alive and I took care of her it was much easier to work 24 hours and then be off 48 hours. It was easier to get help every third day than on a rotated schedule. Well, now when mom is not around anymore the dogs still needs their time. Even thou they can be outdoors most of the days there are days when it rains and they have to be indoors. Those days are horrible. I am so proud of them, they have only had one accident from the 3 times they’ve had to be inside for the full 24 hour shift. That is so awesome. Now, going on a 12 hour shift means that I will come home every night, sleep in my own bed, have more time for them and I will also be off every second weekend, Friday, Saturday and Sunday.

The conversations with my soon to be former partner has been long as both of us had the thoughts of leaving this truck. Pro’s and Con’s has been brought up, twisted around and put in place. The Mineola truck is the busiest truck in the system and the last shift was just a proof of that. 17 calls in 24 hours. Even though you have a rough shift in Athens, you will go home after 12 hours. Home to your family, house and bed. Hopefully the shift today won’t be that bad but knowing that it will be my last shift will certainly help.

Will I miss Mineola? I will miss the Fire Departments, Police Departments and Sheriff Deputies we work with. I will miss the people at Quitman ER! I will miss my co-workers but them I will see now and then anyway. I will get to know a bunch of new people in Henderson County. And I will probably pick up a shift here and there in Wood County anyway and with social media, ha, I can probably still keep up with them… or them with me…

I have my monthly SOC day on Saturday, the day I am on stand by and I believe I will be called in to work somewhere but then I start in Athens with my new partner, new area, new truck, new schedule on Monday morning. I am ready for this change. 1 year and 3 months and I have learned so much, met so many fun people and I have so many memories. But the adventure of this life is just gonna be even more interesting from now on…

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