Don’t Tell Me…

I have always been a very active person. Already as a kid, I was out and about doing things, playing and simply stayed active. If I wasn’t in the barn I was doing something with grandpa or working on some music somewhere. I have never been the person that can sit and watch movies for hours. If you mention a movie for me, you can almost guarantee that I have not seen it. It’s not that I don’t like watching movies, but I feel like I have better things to do.

September means cooler temperatures and I have a goal with my workout. To go back to walk my 5 miles instead of 3. The temperatures was one reason for me going down on the amount, mom was sick and my body was a little out of whack too. But it is time to start pushing myself, at least try. So those days I only do one workout I will at least aim to do a 5 mile walk.

Powerwalk September 2, 2020

Very often people likes to tell me what to do and not to do. One thing that is not understood when it comes to me is that I don’t slow down. I don’t relax. Well I do, but not in the same way as most people. And I hate to be told what to do. I hear at least once a day “You need to relax” or “Go and rest now”. That is one of the worst things you can tell me. I hate to hear that. It is boring to relax and rest. Yes, it is a necessity but I go to bed so early at night and I sleep my 8+ hours as long as I’m not at work. Every single doctor I have spoken to tells me to work out more, stay more active, I can’t overdo it, keep on working out. My body is not made to sit on my butt for hours to watch TV. I do that when I am sick or when I have a legit reason to. It doesn’t help my conditions to not being active. So unless you are a doctor, you have the MD or DO after your name, please don’t tell me to rest. I am listening to my body. I take midday naps if I feel like it (happens almost every day) and even thou I ignore a lot of pain and aches, I also know my limits of pain. Instead, try to be inspired over what I accomplish. If I can do it, you can do it!

Food has never been my strong suit. I admit that. I forget to eat, I don’t have time to eat, I don’t want to spend money on fast food. But if you follow this blog somewhat you have seen that I am improving on that as well. I have done meals that I have in the freezer, that I put in my little crock pot heater at work or when I am out and about so I ensure that I eat at least once a day, which is what I normally do and I eat a normal portion of food. On top of that it is made from scratch and I know exactly what is in it. Maybe not the healthiest (some of the recipes I find has a lot of cheese and unhealthy stuff) but it is better than burgers, french fries and that kind of stuff. So after all, I think I eat more healthy than some of y’all do… far from perfect though.

I am excited about September. I got my vacation approved so I will have an entire week for myself, my workout and my dogs. I am even considering to turn off my phone entirely for the entire week. But I still have three weeks to see if I can do that… my social media habit is probably too big… LOL…

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