I can’t believe that it is already September. I am so ready for cooler temperatures! These last days with 100+ degrees has been rough.
August for me was over all a good month. Health wise started a little wicked. Had a couple of days with dizziness and extreme fatigue that I couldn’t figure out, went to the doctor and passed out in his office. Went to the cardiologist, got a new medication that makes me gain weight and making me nauseous. But on the positive note, I do feel a difference when it comes to my dizziness.
Yesterday was an awesome day. It was by far my strongest day in August. I started out with a 4.6 miles power walk while the car was at the shop getting an oil-change and inspected.
I was quite worried that I would feel dizzy after this walk but I was just fine! As a matter of fact I was feeling very strong. Went home and took a shower and headed to Terrell for some errands. Came home and cleaned the house after 12 muddy paws that was walking in and out in the rain yesterday. Spent 3 hours in an online class for work and in the evening went to the gym and burned some time there as well. I had not been to the gym for 2 weeks!
Weight loss for August was disaster. Since my workout got interrupted over and over again for different reasons and I started the new medications the results for August did not end up as I wanted. But if I am continuing feeling as strong as yesterday, I will make an remarkable comback in September!
The dogs were having a rough month too. All three of them had a stomach bug. I finally figured out where it came from, and it was old water from rain in a bucket outside… lesson learned the hard way for sure.
We got deployed last week with EastTex CERT after Hurricane Laura hit the coast. We were assigned to Mesquite, TX to help with checking in evacuees and hand out hotel assignments. It was a couple of hot but very fun and humbling days!
As a matter of fact, we are still on deployment but I haven’t been able to be there. I simply had to take care of my life and myself on my last days off but I may be able to head there for a couple of hours tomorrow. But it felt really good to be able to assist with a little bit at least!
I am excited about September. I have actually requested for some time off at the end of the month so I can work on some cleaning in mom’s stuff. If I get it approved I will be off for an entire week which will be amazing. I will continue work out, hopefully I can go back to do 5 miles instead of 3.1 miles now when temperatures are going down. It is my 3 year anniversary for my first cardiac arrest on September 12th. I don’t know if that is something to celebrate… well I survived it so… but I am not planning on doing anything. I have my SOC (Service On Call) that day so I may or may not work… Other than that, no major plans really…
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