Many years ago, I worked at Canton First Monday Fairgrounds. I got to know many of the vendors there and one of them was Johnny Cantrell with Cantrell Crafts. We became friends on Facebook and sometimes we bump into each other at events in Terrell or Canton. During the years I’ve seen his craft on his Facebook Page and always been very impressed with it but not had the place to put anything or the money to do it. Until last week. I don’t know what it was with the specific post I saw but I messaged Johnny and asked if he could make something with the Star Of Life for me and if it was possible to personalize it with my last name. It didn’t take long before he came back to me with an idea and a price. I right away knew where to put it…

It is hanging above my bed just perfect next to my initials. I knew it was gonna be good but it exceeded all my expectations! It turned out beyond amazing!

If you are at Canton First Monday, go and see his craft in the Lewis Pavilion 4000 booth 4242-4244. His things are amazing! Or check out his Facebook page (link above).

Thank you so much Johnny for this piece! I am so happy for it!

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