Wichmann’s Pancakes

I came home this morning and for some strange reason I really wanted pancakes. I am not someone who eats breakfast to begin with but I was hungry. The new medications I am on makes me nauseous in the afternoon so I thought maybe eating some before I go to bed could help. Thankfully I had all ingredients at home.

First some background to this… first of all… pancakes in my world is what American’s define as “Crepes” or Swedish Pancakes. My grandfather loved making pancakes. And he experimented to get the best pancakes you had ever tasted. Somewhere we have his recipes from his hours of cooking. And they were delicious! But from that time I am putting in things in my mix that is not really expected in a pancake batter. Except the milk, flower, egg, butter and salt that is in the normal batter, I have both vanilla extract and syrup in my bowl… Aha… exactly… yummy…

I was tired this morning so I actually took the wrong pan when I started making them which made that I couldn’t flip them at all so they broke. But it is not the look of them I’m eating it is the taste and it was awesome!

In Sweden we eat pancakes with jam or fresh fruit, whipped cream and/or ice cream. I had jam and some Cool Whip at home and I always have sugar on mine… don’t know where I got that from but that is something I’ve done my entire life… Guess I need to add some sweetness in my life or something!

It was such a good start of the day. I was almost overfull when I went to bed afterwards for my nap! And I have plenty of food left for the rest of the weekend as well!

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