BamBam In The Hospital

About a week ago Twix had a day with diarrhea. I was a little worried that he had eaten a sock or something bad but he acted totally normal so I didn’t freak out about it. It only took 48 hours and he was done with it.
But at the same time BamBam started. Well he is first of all not a dog that needs to taste everything that passes his nose. He is on the entire other side of the spectrum, you can have a steak in front of his nose and he won’t touch it unless it’s in his bowl. So I right away knew that it must have been something they both ate, most likely the dog food. Well BamBam was still acting normal, he was alert and playful but his stomach was upset. When I went to work on Tuesday I thought that it was good that I could with hold food for Twix and BamBam while I was gone and then we could start with some boiled chicken and rice on Wednesday morning. So we did.

We started with only chicken and rice and then in the evening I added the dogfood again and in the evening BamBam finally ate the entire bowl. And it was all good until right after lunch on Thursday. I was sitting in an online meeting when I could hear him pacing in the livingroom and suddenly the horrible smell of diarrhea came. I left the meeting and took care of that and let BamBam outside. When he came in it was obvious that he was a little nauseous. Poor guy. He went to have a sip of water and it didn’t take more than a minute and he vomited it back up. At that very minute I had enough. I am not the first person that takes my dogs to the vet right away. I try to fix things myself first but this had been going on for days now, I was going to work a 24 hour shift the day after and I knew that he needed meds to get this over with. So I called Dr. Turner at Wills Point Vet Clinic and told them the situation. It was just to load the dog in the car and go!

For those of you who haven’t met BamBam, he is a very very scared boy. He does not like strangers. Period. We know the reason to that and will not push him more than necessary. But even thou he is scared he is not aggressive at all and he seems to find some trust in Both Dr. Dan and Dr. Rachel but mostly he trusts Vet Tech Amy.

BamBam got some medications both in shots and pills. But he was supposed to have the pills for several days, twice a day. While we were talking about it on the parkinglot, BamBam laid down and poop was just coming straight out of his butt without him even moving. With me not being able to monitor him for 24 full hours and not able to give him his meds during that time we decided that he would stay at the clinic. In case the meds didn’t help they could put him on IV fluids and be more pro-active before the weekend.

It was a relief for me to have him there while I was at work. I knew that even thou he is scared, they are taking marvelous care of him, they know me and know what I would like to be done if things go the wrong directions. I am so grateful to have such a good relationship with both Dr. Dan and Dr. Rachel and them having the clinic less than 10 minutes away from my house! But BamBam improved, there was no need for IV fluids. Just around 3pm today they called and said he could go home! Wohoooo! There was no need to wait, I headed straight there and got him!

He was so happy to jump into the car again. It was cool and nice for him!

Once home Twix was glad to see him as well! I could tell that Twix was wondering where BamBam was but he wasn’t nervous or lost despite this being the first time them being apart. But Twix is a very cool little boy. But he was happy to have his big brother home despite the weird smell.
BamBam is feeling better but very tired. I don’t think he slept much during his stay. So now he will just relax and continue to recover and hopefully this will be over with soon.

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