Proud Of Myself

I took a nap yesterday and woke up at 6:30pm. I was anything but motivated to work out. I had already missed my morning power walk and wasn’t happy about that. I was nauseous from my new medications and I could come up with 1000 reasons to not pull myself together and go to the gym. But something told me to just get it over and done with. I knew it would feel better afterwards. And I knew I needed the head and mind clearance the workout gives. That is why I try to walk right when I get home because it puts my mind back to a good level and spirit.

I always start with the rowing machine. It is the most boring thing ever! I didn’t think I would find it as boring as it is. It’s just no variation, the same thing strike after strike. I usually pull 30 minutes straight but I wanted to add some time today so I decided to try to divide it up to 3×15 minutes with one minute rest in between. And it went pretty good actually. It wasn’t as exhausting as I thought it would be. Yes, it was still boring.

There is an elliptical machine but on this one you sit down instead of standing up. For me it is awesome because it doesn’t trigger my syncope. It is preferable that I do things at the gym sitting down instead of standing due to my condition. I think this machine is fun. There are different programs you can do, if you want to do more legs or more arms, the level of resistance etc etc. I put it on a random program for 30 minutes. I have previously built up to level 6 but decided today to try level 7. It was awesome! When it went on max my muscles burned like crazy and I had to fight for it. I felt like it was giving me something for once! You know that satisfied feeling that you have actually accomplished something physical, that was the feeling I had afterwards.

Then finally the thing that is the easiest for me, the treadmill. Since I am an avid walker I have no problems doing this but my balance sometimes is off so I am glad that there are handles next to me. But since I hold my arms fairly still the watch doesn’t pick up the right distance…
I started with 20 minutes but when I had 5 minutes left I felt like I could keep on going so I added another 10 minutes. Again, when it was 5 minutes left I added some more time and it wasn’t until I had walked 45 minutes that I felt that it had been worth my time. It was simply so easy to walk today, despite rowing more and doing harder on the elliptical.

I came out in the car and I was so pleased and proud of myself. I had been so unmotivated when I left and I had accomplished more than I ever had! Yet I wasn’t to the point of exhaustion that I crawl, I still had energy to move and be normal. Yes I was still nauseous and yes I was dizzy as crazy but what ever. I had accomplished something. I had done something for myself. It doesn’t matter if I won’t see it on the scale, I know in my mind that I did it, I fought for it and I went beyond what I had in mind when I got there, and that made me proud of myself!

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