I posted this picture earlier this week on Facebook and a similar one on my Instagram

This is how I have felt the last couple of days, almost a week. I am trying to not complain and hide when I don’t feel well. If you ask how I am doing, I will give you a straight up honest answer so if you don’t want to know, don’t ask.

About a week ago I started to feel a little dizzy and tired after one day with a quite heavy workout. I didn’t think about it the first couple of days, thinking I probably over did it. But it didn’t go away. It wasn’t there all the time anyway but sometimes I got some palpitations with it. On Sunday we had a patient we had to pull/push up a long steep driveway. After that I was both dizzy and got some chest pain. It went away after a while and I could push through the shift. Wasn’t bad enough to go home, and I don’t have any PTO to take anyway.
Didn’t do much on Monday or Tuesday, wanted to relax and see if this all subsided and maybe just went away. Spent a lot of time sleeping. Woke up yesterday morning and it was worse than ever. I emailed my cardiologist with an update before work and I guess the nurse reading the emails didn’t realize the seriousness or what device I have. She responded that she wanted me to do a manual sending which my device can’t do. It sends off information every night when I am home. So I told her that they would not get another reading until Friday since I was working. She was fine with that… I was not! I thought to myself that depending on how the shift went I would call them this morning and see if I could get an appointment.
I pushed through the shift, we got a couple of hours of sleep over night, 4 I think I came up to. Came home and went to bed for another 2 hours and when I stood up I was so dizzy. I gave them a call but they didn’t have any appointments until the 17th. So off to plan B, call my primary care physician. Told the girl about what had been going on and she went and talked to my doctor. Sure enough he wanted to see me but first a rapid covid test… thank God it was negative!

My doctor was also in on the cardiac route. My vitals was a little low but not alarmingly. We agreed of doing some minor adjustments on when to take my meds and see if that helps. We would also do a urinary sample just to rule out a UTI since I have a history of that as well. So he was going to show me the bathroom. We went out in the hallway and boom! I woke up feeling a lot of people holding me while I am laying on my side. Someone is taking a blood pressure and I can remember someone saying 98/xx and a pulse in the upper 100’s. I wasn’t hurt anywhere. Headache yes but I was so close to a podium standing in the hallway so I was lucky that I missed that! I don’t know how long time I was out, maybe 2-3 minutes… not long. But it took me a couple of minutes to come around. The adrenaline rushed through my body and I was shaking like never before. I couldn’t control it, it was horrible!
While I was sitting there and recovering the nurse and the doctor went and called my cardiologist to tell what had happened and guess what… I got an appointment to see them already tomorrow!

I was able to go home by myself. I promised that I would relax the rest of the day and that has not been hard to accomplish!

Three Swedish movies this afternoon, The Fjällbacka Murders! They were really good! The dogs thought this was something we could do more often, prescribed Netflix and chill!. I was reminded about why I was sitting there when I stood up. I didn’t pass out but the world is spinning pretty darn fast sometimes.

I guess we are looking at having an ablation within the near future. This last week has been a struggle and I can’t go on like this. But I am so blessed to have so awesome doctors around me, both my primary care physician and his staff as well as my cardiologist and his staff, all of them that I trust very much!

I really hate this condition I have. I am fine for a couple of months and then crash for a day or two. This time I at least crashed close to a doctor and people that doesn’t freak out or call EMS. And today I didn’t have to explain what happened, he heard it as he was walking in front of me and he saw how my body was reacting when I woke up. That makes things a little easier sometimes. If it happens at home and I go to the hospital, at the time we get there all my vitals are back to normal and there is nothing they can do really. So I hope that this ablation will work if that’s what it comes down to!

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