Health Progress

It is the last day in July. It is hard to believe actually! I don’t know if I am ready for August yet but it doesn’t matter, it is here anyway!

First of July I started my improved workout routine. I joined Snap Fitness in town and had a goal go to the gym every day I’m not working. And I must say that has actually worked out pretty well. I have been able to crawl to the gym almost every day that I’ve been off. Some of the days I also have done my power walk in the morning. As well I have during this month been able to increase the workout, either by adding more time or more resistance on the machine.

I started out only with doing 20 minutes on the rowing machine and 30 minutes on the sitting ellipse on the random program, resistance #2. I first increased my time on the rowing to 25 and then 30 minutes. I am surprised that I find the rowing machine as boring as I do. It is really the most boring thing ever in my opinion!
The ellipse is so much more fun, don’t ask me why. I have remained on the random program but been able to go from #2 to #7 on difficulty! Quite proud of that progress.
Then in the middle of the month I wanted to try the treadmill. I say try because when I was on a treadmill a couple of years ago my body didn’t really like it afterwards. I was dizzy for hours. But this time it went much much better! I was a little bit dizzy the first time but only for about 2-3 minutes. So here at the end of the month I’ve been able to end my workout with a good 5k power walk.

So I am pleased with my progress with the workout. I have done better than I expected. And it has now become a routine to spend between 2 and 3 hours a day to workout. I feel a little bit stronger. The time in the gym is absolutely noticeable when I do my power walks!

With all this workout I realized that my muscles needed some TLC. I was advised that my friend Karla with Body Balance Massage just moved her studio to Wills Point! Perfect timing! So today I had my first massage in about 15 years! I had no clue how my body would react. I haven’t had a deep massage since all my heart problems started. But so far my body loved it. I went home afterwards and fell asleep like a rock for 3 hours. Thankfully I hadn’t planned anything for the afternoon, better safe than sorry! I will try to get a massage biweekly at least so my muscles gets a fair chance. I can’t really deny that I am getting older after all!

So to the reason that I had to wamp up all this workout things… my weight. Sadly that is not as good news as I would have hoped. But I know that I have always had problems losing weight and this would not be easy at all. I have tried to eat as well as I can, cook my own food and the main thing for me is smaller plates! I only eat once a day but when I eat it is often a lot and that is not good. So that is a work in progress for sure.
To help me keep track I have an app where I put in my weight every morning… and here is the progress screen so far…

As you see, during this month I’ve only lost 3.3 lbs (1.4kg) which is nothing compared to what I hoped. But I guess a slow progress is better than a rapid when it comes to sustain the weight afterwards and not gain it back up again. This app expect me to reach my goal by March of next year…

The graph is quite interesting to look at, and here you see that I actually follow the anticipated trend which is good

It is a roller coaster graph for sure and the fun thing is that every time it goes up is the mornings I get home from work, the day after no workout day. But I think the days at work is quite necessary to recover my body a little bit. But as long as I am not way off the trend line I’ll be good I think. Just keep on fighting and working on it. Hopefully they will see some improvement at the yearly physical in December…

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