Yesterday I decided to skip my morning power walk and start with mom’s storage room instead. I felt I had the energy and mental power to start doing the project and I have wanted to make it into my office for a while.
I had a corner of the room that I wanted to have cleared out and if I could manage that and then go out in the garage and get out one of my mom’s old sewing tables, I could use that as my desk because it is nice and big. That would make my dining room table cleared so I could sit there and actually eat a meal without risking to have food and drinks on the computer.

To go through mom’s stuff is like a scavenger hunt. I found things that I had no clue that we had, I found things that gave me the “oh yeah, that’s right” saying and I found things that mad me laugh and that made me cry. As I said yesterday, mom was a squirrel and I have to be very thorough going through stuff and not just throw it away. I found these beautiful Christmas figurines in two unopened boxes for example

It even had a certificate of authenticity with it. I believe mom bought them and totally forgot about them when Christmas came around. It is some kind of collectors series as far as I can understand without doing any research on it. Well, now it is in my display, even if it is not close to Christmas. I think they are so beautiful!

In the middle of a huge box was a ziplock bag with a bunch of papers in them. Thankfully I got suspicious and I looked closer. It was a recipe and cook book that I believe have belonged to my great grandma (mom’s grandma on her dad’s side). And it is so fun, it’s in old Danish!

There is handwritten recipes and newspaper clips and as you can see, it is all falling apart. I’m gonna sit down one day and see if I can find something that gives me a hint of who it really belonged to. In the first picture you can see some years and it tells me that this is from the middle of 1913, so it is very old! This is also a thing I had never seen! But considering how many moves mom did in her life and where I found it, it is a blessing that its still in the family! I certainly didn’t put it back in a box but in the ziplock bag and at a place that I know where it is!

I am gathering all the things I find that I believe someone can have use for and I’ll have a big garage sale later in the fall when it’s not super hot! I have found so much stuff for knitting and sewing it is insane! Before mom’s health declined she was so handy and good at that stuff! She loved to knit, paint, make clothes, decorate etc and she was so good at it. Certainly a trait that she didn’t give me. But I can sing, she couldn’t LOL!

And yes, I did get the corner out of the room cleaned out, I made it out in the garage and pulled the desk out, moved my computer and office stuff so now I have a more designated office area with a lot of room on the desk and I have an area to eat as well. It was so worth to not take that walk! The amount of things I got accomplished was just awesome!

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