2 Days Of Workout

Both yesterday and today has been days of workouts. July 1 I stepped up my workout routine and joined Snap Fitness here in town. I am on a cardiac workout program that is suppose to help reduce my syncope and dizziness. It has both strength and cardio but mostly cardio.

When I went to the gym a couple of years ago (before my cardiac arrest) I had problem with the treadmill. I was so dizzy when I was done and even thou I never passed out afterwards it was a little scary. So I stopped doing the treadmill and went back to doing my powerwalks. At that time I never had any problems during or after walking. Today I have been diagnosed with post exercise syncope secondary to Supra Ventricular Tachycardia (SVT) which means that my heart can go in SVT when I workout and when I stop walking the heart goes out of SVT, my blood pressure drops and I pass out. For some reason this has only happened when I am walking so my workout is based on sitting exercises such as rowing and a sitting elliptical.

I felt really strong when I was at the gym last night. While I was sitting on the elliptical I glanced over on the treadmill and I was so wanting to try. I am in much better shape today than I was those years ago I did it last. It may have become better, maybe? Hopefully? I felt so strong even thou I did a good push on the rowing and stepped up the level on the elliptical so I gave it a try!

It went well! I realized that the app doesn’t read the average pace correctly, according to the machine it was 15:30 min/mil and I did 1.6 mile. But that wasn’t what my goal was, it was to see how I felt when I stopped. I was more tired in my legs than dizzy! So my goal is to end my workouts with a 20 minutes walk on the treadmill so I can get used to it and use it on the days when weather isn’t permitting outdoor walks.

I had set my mind this morning on doing a power walk early in the morning so in case I didn’t have the energy to do the treadmill when I went to the gym I had at least already done a walk. I got a really good walk done! So far it was my 5th fastest walk! So I was very pleased with it!

I went to the gym in the afternoon and did a really strong workout! I pushed it on the rowing machine and could push 27 strides/minutes instead of 25 that I usually do. I could also increase the resistance on the elliptical to level 5 and had no problem today! So I felt strong enough to do a 20 minutes on the treadmill. And today the app really screwed it up. The time and heart rate is the only thing right, The pace was 14:15 and the distance was 1.6 miles. But again, that was not the purpose with the walk. I thou will try to use Runkeeper next time I do a treadmill. This time I was a little bit dizzy afterwards but I recovered pretty fast. I am absolutely not giving this up!

I hope that all this workout soon will show on the scale. The purpose with pushing so hard is that insurance and doctors say I am overweight and almost obese and that needs to be changed. Well, as I have said before… my bone density is thick and it will be very hard to reach the weight goal they want me to have of 160 lbs, even with super correct diet. At the end of the month I will publish a graph on how the first month has gone. It will be very interesting, for sure!

I will be back at the boo-boo bus tomorrow so it will be a day of rest from workout. I think my body needs a little break to recover because I pushed it pretty hard today. But I had a good feeling and I am proud that I did it!

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