As this first year passes by there will be moments I miss mom more than normal. Yesterday was one of those days. 4th of July was mom’s favorite holiday. She loved the patriotism, the great spirit, the colors, the food, the fireworks. She was always in a great mood on this day and went a little bit extra to do something special!

Mom at 4th of July in 2010

The day started really awesome! My friend Janne Karhunen is an ultra marathon runner and he had set up an event where he would run/walk around a block for 100 miles which was gonna take him approximately 26 hours. I had promised to join him for a couple of laps so I headed to Terrell and joined him.

I “only” did 3 laps and it wasn’t too bad but a lot of fun! It was so good seeing Janne again as well! He marched on around the block and I headed back to Wills Point and went straight to the gym to do my workout there. It was good to have that over and done with.

The rest of the day I was just at home. I kept mom’s and mine tradition alive with cooking a steak with baked potato and sautéed mushrooms. It was delicious. The dogs and I was watching TV, took a nap and just enjoyed the afternoon.
Then the evening came. And they started the music and fireworks on TV. It was like a wave of emotions flooded me. There was no stop of the tears. I missed mom so much. And while sitting there in the sofa crying this little spotted boy slowly started to crawl up to see what was wrong, why was mom crying?

Twix is a very energetic boy. It is not often he is just sitting still without biting or trying to do something. But now he knew that all I needed was love. Unconditional love from a little 5 month old boy with spots. And I took all of it!

Twix would not let me go. And I didn’t want him to. BamBam came and laid on my feet. It was so amazing and emotional in the same time. In the same time I was grieving my mom I felt blessed to have these animals that gives me more love than I deserve. I don’t know what I would do without them! There are no words for how important they are to me! And this was truly one of those moments when their intelligence showed and they did what every they could to comfort me!

I was a little concerned about how the fireworks would go for the dogs. Well, BamBam is deaf and usually not bothered about lightning so I wasn’t worried about him. But Shannon is older and she could think it was scary and Twix could also react in a weird way. But… huh… We went to bed, fell asleep and that was the end of that day!

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