Beautiful Flowers

Thank You Everyone who i reaching out to me in different ways! There are no words for how much I appreciate it. It is a really rough roller coaster right now and I hope you understand if I am not myself all the time. I thought I was mentally prepared for this situation, yet I was as far away from prepared as I could be. I know that mom is in a better place now, she has no problem breathing and she is in no pain. But it is sometimes hard to accept reality. But I am glad and proud that I was able to go back to work on Tuesday. It helps me to get my mind off things a little. My partner at work is very understanding and supportive and I am so thankful for that.

Today I was mowing my yard and suddenly a car pulls up. A girl steps out of the car with the most beautiful flowers! No chance I could stop the tears…

Thank you so much Thelma and Tim for these wonderful flowers! I am speechless! I am looking at them and I can see mom smile. She loved flowers and this bouquet is just amazing! I wish I could have them with me where ever I go but I have them in the middle of the house so I can see them almost from anywhere I am!

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